Thursday, January 29, 2009

Catalina Oaks Beautification Project

Catalina Oaks Beautification Project
Statement of Work-New landscaping
Request for Proposals

We have received one proposal from Paradise and it is shown on the blogspot. Another proposal is coming from “Everything Outdoors”. Jutta will also get with a landscaper of her choice and Dick is doing the same. Once the bids are in the board will make a selection and we would like to see work started in March.

I invited Spencer Pontius owner of “Everything Outdoors” at 4th and old Dixie, to bid on the project. Jutta, Spencer and I, walked the property last night (1/28/09) while discussing details of project. Spencer will provide his proposal in the few days.

The following is what I learned about the landscaping project, so I thought I would share it with you. I have divided the project into 4 categories and propose that any bids we request are done by category. This will enable us to decide on each area individually. I understand that most of us are in concert with a complete re-do of area B. and C. We are not together on Area A and D.

A. The wall area next to the sidewalk that runs north and south along 6th Avenue
B. The corner of 6th Ave and 10th Street
C. The area, east and west side, at the entrance to the subdivision
D. The small berms that run north and south on 5th Court near mail box
Area A.
The wall area next to the sidewalk that runs north and south along 6th Avenue. There are 3 indentations in the wall (coves), which contain a few shrubs, and some grass. The existing plants in the coves need to be trimmed and pruned. The surrounding area needs to be racked out and cleaned up.
There is a patch of dirt between the wall and the sidewalk ranging from 1 ½ foot to 3foot with some dead grass and leaves and no plants. No sprinklers are present along the wall or in the coves. A hedge along the wall or vines growing on the wall, in the indentations, was tossed out for consideration. A big concern is lack of water to any new vegetation. A solution is to run PVC and sprinklers or underground soakers for the plants. That will help with the growth but could be a problem related to additional vandalism. See note (a).

The 1st cove is small at about 1x5 yards with a few plants that need some attention.

The 2nd cove is the largest at 11x13 yards with a few plants. There is a faucet with running water. I am not sure who owns this piece of real estate.

The 3rd cove is 3x15 yards with plants that also need attention.


Area B.
The location at the corner of 10th and 6th has a lot of old growth and the thinking is we remove what is there and start new. No attempts will be made to salvage anything at this location.


Area C.

The entrance to our developement at 5th Court on both sides of the street has a lot of old growth and the thinking is we remove what is there and start new. No attempts will be made to salvage anything at this location.

Area D.
The small berms that run 5th court are in reasonable shape. Most of what is there will be salvaged. The idea is to use what is in place and add a few new plants and remove or trim what is there, and possibly relocate a few plants from area D. to area A, B or C.



(a) Sprinklers along 6th – We have had numerous occasions of vandalism where sprinklers and the associated pvc pipes that exist at the corner of 6th and 10th. It seems it a never-ending battle and it continues. Putting more sprinklers along 6th provides additional targets for those who like to destroy said items.
(b) Vines on the wall -There are concerns regarding vines (ivy) growing on the wall. Once they are fully-grown they will look beautiful, and should help the graffiti problem that occurs periodically. Without a sprinkler system they may not do well. This would also add additional cost to grounds maintenance. If we ever want to remove them it will be a challenge as they adhere to the wall like glue.
(c) Trees – Any new trees that are part of the proposal should be, at maturity, no taller than 15 feet.

Rgs 1/29/09

Invitation to a Town Hall Meeting 1/31/09

Dear Homeowners,
This came to me from Helen Todd. Thank you Helen.

CCFJ, Inc. seeks to promote citizens’ interests through Advocacy, Education and Legislative Reform. They are having a meeting in Boca Raton. If anyone attends please get whatever handouts are provided and share them with me and I will post them here.


From 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. at the Florida Atlantic University, LIVE OAK PAVILION, GRAND PALM ROOM, FAU Boca Raton at 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton, FL. 33431



· State Representative Julio Robaina

· State Representative Maria Sachs

· State Representative Franklin Sands

· State Representative Priscilla Taylor

· Mark Benson, Member Regulatory Council of Community Association Managers

· Chandra Parker Doucette, Esq.

· Jan Bergemann, CCFJ, Inc., President


· Introduction Of Panel Members

· Homeowners' Association Reform Survey -- What needs To Be Done?

· Presentation By Jean Winters, Esq.

· Presentation by Steven Meyer, Esq.

· Questions and Suggestions For Reforms From Audience - Part I

(Please limit to three (3) minutes -- everybody wants a chance to speak!)

· Barbara Billot Stage, Esq.: Ways to Avoid Litigation with Your Association?

· Barry Silver, Esq.: What To Expect If Battling Condo Commandos

· Questions and Suggestions For Reforms From Audience – Part II

Closing Words From Panel Members

We hereby invite everybody to participate in this great event that will be another stepping-stone to achieve association reform that is long overdue!

Do you and your neighbors have concerns about the way your Homeowners’ Association or Condominium Association conducts business?

Cyber Citizens For Justice, Inc. was founded to unite Floridians in a quest to improve the daily lives of citizens. CCFJ, Inc. seeks to promote citizens’ interests through Advocacy, Education and Legislative Reform.

Many of Florida's owners are afraid that they can no longer afford their homes. Uncertainty about a person’s home and finances can be devastating to an individual as well as to the community and state in which we all live.

We need real reforms for all forms of community associations.Admittedly, real reforms will require hard work!Now start to help yourself by being part of the solution, not part of the problem! Together we can achieve our goals.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

2009 Tentative Meeting Calender

Meeting 1 - Annual COHA Meeting - January 24, 2009
at the Rockridge Clubhouse starting at 10:00 am. Meeting minutes of this meeting are posted here.

Note - The following meetings are tentative. That means that I looked at the 2009 calendar and picked the dates. The board will need to agree and then they are confirmed. At that time I will put out another post to this site and it will be called "2009 Meetings". I will also include an "Agenda" for the meetings and send out a notice by email. We will also post a NOTICE on our bulletin board near the mailbox.

Meeting 2 - Board of Directors Meeting - April 4
at the Rockridge Clubhouse starting at 10:00 am.

Meeting 3 - Board of Directors Meeting - July 11
at the Rockridge Clubhouse starting at 10:00 am.

Meeting 4 - Board of Directors Meeting - October 3
at the Rockridge Clubhouse starting at 10:00 am.

Projected Expenses 2009

The data shown is the projected expences for 2009. The data was compiled from actuals for 2008 and a forcast (best guess estimate)for the Beautification Project of $10000.

Retention Systems Guidelines

Dear Homeowners,

For your information - The following data was attached to an email (SBH600-DS1109012609110.pdf - Monday, January 26, 2009 9:20:36 AM)sent by Nathan Ottoson, P.E., St. Johns River Water Management District ,Palm Bay Service Center, Phone: (321) 409-2119

Owner Impacts to Stormwater Management System



DATE: January 27, 2009

TO: Kelly Zedek, Code Enforcement Officer

FROM: David Hays, P.E., C.F.M., Land Development Manager

RE: Catalina Oaks Subdivision
Owner Impacts to Stormwater Management System

Several home owners, over the past, have requested approval to install improvements within the Drainage Easements (D.E.). In general, they have been denied by Public Works / Engineering as a manner of protection against adverse drainage impacts. Over the course of the last couple of months, I have made several site visits and met with some of the POA board members (coordinated with Bob Scully) as well as a representative from SJRWMD. What the investigations have determined and an outline for reference to allow prudence for the individual home owners are itemized below.

Investigation Determinations

1.The integrity of the drainage facilities had been largely ignored over time other than surface maintenance, ie., lawn maintenance.
2.A severe breach was discovered at the outfall structure. Water was not retained on site as designed due to a breach in the berm along the side of the outfall structure which allowed the runoff to discharge directly to an off-site ditch without treatment.
3.The underdrain had not been cleaned.
4.Multiple home owners had installed vegetation within the D.E.
5.Multiple home owners had installed various types of rear porches, decks or steps within the D.E.
6.Most homes along the southern side had 3-6 feet of relatively level ground from the rear of the home before the slope to the swale.
7.One home owner (lot 40) had installed two decks across the swale along the southern property line. One of the decks was installed across that property and the adjacent lot 41.

As a result of the investigations, the POA was notified by SJWMD to address some issues including restoring the integrity of the outfall at the structure. It is my understanding that all items brought to the attention of the POA have been adequately addressed. The POA has been advised that the properties along the south side will likely see higher water levels and water remaining for a longer period of time than what they are accustomed too as a result of the repairs to the drainage system.

Platted Drainage Easements

The northern 25 foot wide D.E. was constructed and operates significantly different than the southern 34 foot wide D.E.. The northern easement (specifically across lots 12-33) contains a very shallow swale (1 foot or less) between the houses and rear (north) property line. There does not appear to be any significant drainage flow east-west across properties. The southern D.E., (specifically across lots 1-8, 36-52) contains a significant swale (approximately 3 feet deep) that provides for the storage and treatment of a majority of the subdivisions storm water runoff. With this understanding, the basins (northern / southern) can be addressed in different manners with regards to allowance of improvements. Each easement contains the sites required landscape buffer along the property line.

The following are recommendations that should allow for the continued integrity of the storm water management system while at the same time provide guidelines for what a home owner can expect to be allowed to do within the drainage easements. All requests must be submitted in writing and follow the same procedures as are current policies and practices.

Northern basin
1.Flat decks that are installed above the ground should provide no adverse impact to the system and could be allowed.
2.No storage systems that are installed on the ground or have the lowest member within one foot of the ground will be allowed.

Southern basin
1.Flat decks/porches may be allowed for a depth of 5 feet from the wall. Further depth would have to be site specifically reviewed and approved.
2.No storage facilities will be allowed.
3.No improvements will be allowed south of the center line of the southern D.E. swale.
4.Steps may be installed down the northern side of the swale that do not include filling of the easement area.

It is also recommended that any proposed improvements obtain the POA’s approval prior to requesting the county to review.

“A Homeowners Guide to Stormwater Management”

From: Nathan Ottoson
To: "''"
Subject: FW: Message from BH600-DS1106
Date: Monday, January 26, 2009 9:20:36 AM
Bob,I’ve attached a copy of documents that the District typically mails out to an HOA, when the permit is transferred from the Developer to the HOA after construction is completed. I believe the document that you mentioned “A Homeowners Guide to Stormwater Management” may be slightly outdated, but here is a link to a more recent brochure (viewable on our website): are also many other useful booklets and publications available on our website,, under Publications (General Publications—Index). Hopefully this helps answer any questions.Nathan Ottoson, P.E.St. Johns River Water Management DistrictPalm Bay Service CenterPhone: (321) 409-2119

Sunday, January 25, 2009


President calls meeting to order. This is the annual meeting for 2009 of the members of Catalina Oaks Homeowners' Association

Roll call of directors and confirmation of a quorum. Elaine Geyer, Dick Byram, Jean Kay, Robert Scully, and John Kone

Count names on attendance list and proxies to establish a quorum.
Thirty Percent or the members is a quorum (16)

President asks the Secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting. See blogspot for old minutes.

Treasurer will read the report for the year 2008. Motion to accept as read. The proposed 2008 budget will be the forcasted budget for 2009. Discussion.

Board to address any new State of Florida Homeowners’ Associations News.

Nominating committee introduces the Nominees for the Board of Directors. There are six (6) seats to be filled. President asks if any nominations from the floor. If any, nominee shall stand, be asked if willing to serve if elected. An excess of 6 nominees will require a ballot count. Two volunteers to count ballots. A nominee must acquire a simple majority of the votes cast. Announce names of Board Members for the year 2009 .

The Berm/Swale and 25’ Easement – Overview by Bob Scully

Beatification Project – Overview by Ulla and Jean

Any additional business? The President announces that all business on the Agenda has been completed and the annual meeting is adjourned.
The newly elected directors will convene a meeting of the Board of Directors in April.

The first item on the agenda will be the election of officers. President,Vice President
Secretary, Treasurer, and Alternate.

Be it known that all members of the Board are on the Architectural Review Board. However it takes the signature of two Board members to approve a request by a member to the Architectural Review Board.

Members who wish to submit an agenda item for the next Board of Directors meeting, scheduled for April 2009, must do so in writing with a date and signature.

The Board appreciates and Thanks all members who attended today's meeting. Have a good day. Meeting adjourned

Draft Minutes 2009 Annual Meeting

CATALINA OAKS HOMEOWNERS - Annual Meeting Minutes January 24, 2009

Board Present: President - Elaine Florence Geyer, Treasurer – Jean Kay, Architecture Review - Dick Byram, Secretary – Bob Scully
Attendees: Residents present (sign up sheet)- Bruce and Anne Mitchell, Barb Scully, Pat Byram, Vera Johnson, Jutta M. Rosenburg, Bev Hilton, Lois Faye Forrest, Pat Estelle, Shirley Spitzer, Lee Harrick

The minutes summarize items addressed and actions taken by the board at the meeting. If you would like more detail visit , contact any member of the board, consider attending the next meeting, or talk to homeowners present.

1. The annual meeting of Catalina Oaks Home Owners’ Association was held at the Rockridge Community Center. The President, Elaine Geyer, called it to order Saturday January 24, 2009 at 10:00 AM.

2. An accounting summary was presented by Jean Kay. A hand written summary (12/31/08) and a handwritten Catalina Oaks Monthly Balance Sheet was provided at the meeting. It was converted to an excel format and is included, for your review.

There are a few members who have not paid dues. Jean has sent notes requesting payment. Another friendly letter will be sent requesting payment. If she does not get a response then she will request legal send out appropriate correspondence to resolve the issue, and add legal fees to the amount due.

3. Minutes – Meeting minutes, old and new, are posted on the blogspot.

4. 2009 Board – A request was put to the attendees regarding serving on the board. No volunteers came forth so the existing board will stany in place. We are always looking for board volunteers so please get involved.

5. Catalina Oaks Beautification - New landscaping has been addressed in past meetings. A proposal was provided from Paradise Landscaping, which is included in the blog. Jutta and Jean discussed the package and presented sketches and a cost breakdown with those present. Some concerns were brought up regarding tree height and the vines (creeping fig) that will climb the walls. Jutta also mentioned she thought we should change the background color (black) of our signs. She will work that out with Dick.
It was also recommended that we get 2 additional proposals to validate costs. Jutta will get another bid from another nursery. Bob will request a bid from Everything Outdoors. Both packages will be given to Elaine and a decision will be made. The plan is to get the Beatification Project started end of March. Jutta Rosenburg is in charge of the committee.

6. The Berm and the Swale – Last year we received a notice fro the St Johns Water Management District that we had a few issues that needed attention. In the South East corner of the development they (SJWMD) identified an area they called a breach. Said area has been filled in and sod placed on top of it. Item closed.
We anticipate and expect some homeowners on the south side of the property may notice an increase in water levels during the rainy season. The building permit and 25’ easement were put into place from the start of development (see for details).

7. Parking – It was noted that a few residents are parking on the lawns for extended periods of time, which is a violation of the restrictions. Those individuals will be notified about the Parking policy. In general you are suppose to park in your garage or in your driveway, not on the grass. Some leeway is allowed on Special Occasions and most of us will look the other way for an evening or daytime party, occasionally. Just note that the grass lawn is not a designated long-term parking spot. For more on the Deed Restrictions see

8. County Water and color painting – It seems there are a few places where there may be leaks from broken or old county water pipes in our community as some residents noted paint marks (red, green, white, blue) on the grass and also on the street asphalt in a few locations.

Meeting Minutes July 26, 2008

Catalina Oaks Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 26, 2008

The Board - Board President, Ms. Elaine Florence, called the meeting, held at the Rock Ridge Community Center, to order at 10:30 today, July 26, 2008. Board members present Mr. Dick Byram, Mr. Bob Scully and Mrs. Jean Kay.

General - The minutes summarize items addressed and actions taken by the board at the meeting. If you would like more detail please contact any member of the board, consider attending the next meeting, talk to the homeowners present or visit something new we just started

Homeowners in Attendance – Pat Byram, Wanza Murray, Irene Nassar, Helen Todd, Barbara Scully, Patricia Cramer, Jutta M. RosenBerg and Mary Lou Johnston.

Topics Addressed

1 - Association Finances presented by Jean Kay
a. CDs valued at $86,766. One matured in July. The other will mature August.
b. Checkbook value $ 13480.90 as of 7/26/08
c. Total assets 100, 246.

2 - Monthly association dues delinquencies.
Three letters were sent out to those who owe, just as a reminder. Some homeowners have paid for the year in advance. Thank You.

3 - Association Liability Insurance
It was noted that we carry $2,000,000 coverage at a cost of $600.

4 - Landscaping
A team was established at the meeting to work this issue. A plan, with some detail needs to be outlined to spruce up the Entrance Garden next to the mail box and on the corner at 6th and 10th .
The team is Jutta, Dick, Elaine, Barbara and Tish

5 - Neighborhood Watch
There was a home burglary over the past week. Please be aware that these are difficult times and we encourage you to lock doors and windows and close garages. Get to know your neighbor and watch out for people who may be acting suspicious in the neighborhood.

6 - Property line encroachment
There is still an issue about physical property lines and encroachments related to patios and fences in relationship to home sales.

7 - Special Thank you
Thank You Gaylord Hansen for all your hard work over the past several years as an active member on the Catalina Oak Homeowners Association.

8 - New Board Member
Dick spoke with John Cone who has accepted the open post of the board.

9 - Record Retention
Gaylord is looking to pass on the association records. Dick and Bob will get with him to understand what exactly he has. After we have an understanding of what needs to be saved and how far back we must go we will come up with a plan.

10 -
The above noted blogspot is something started a few months ago. It is intended to provide a record of the minutes and other data related to Catalina Oaks for those who are interested and are not able to attend the quarterly meetings. It can be changed and will continue to evolve.

11 - Not discussed but important
Although these were not discussed at our 7/26/08 meeting they were addressed at the 4/26/08 meeting and are considered significant so they are listed for your information.

· Association Governing Documents – Improvements and modifications - All members must abide by the association governing documents when it comes to improvements and modifications to homes in the community. If you decide to make a change to the paint color of your house, add a new roof, etc., the information must be presented to the Architectural Review Board (Dick Byram) for approval prior to any work starting.

· Home Sales - It was noted that some NEW homeowners in the community had not received any information about the Catalina Oaks Deed Restrictions at the time of sale. Individuals who are selling or plan to sell their house must provide a package (Deed Restrictions) to the real estate agent and new potential buyers prior to the home sale. This package is available from the board. If this package is not provided prior to the home selling the buyer may be able to cancel the contract without penalty at anytime.

· HOA Officers 2008 – It was noted that the board must file the 2008 Catalina Oaks Board members with the Secretary of State of Florida. Elaine will get with Jean to see if that has been done.

· As the board continues to use unlicensed and uninsured workers what is the homeowner’s liability in the event of a suit (ref. item 3). Gaylord will respond.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009




9:30 A.M.



1) Report from the City of Vero Beach Utilities Commission Regarding Utility Authorities


January 8, 2009, 9:30 am at City Hall

The City Council is to receive the report from the Utilities Advisory Commission on Representation and Utility Authorities at a Special Call Meeting on Thursday, January 8, 2009, at 9:30 am at City Hall (see attached). I have not received version 7 which we were told at the December 16th meeting would be prepared and issued. If I receive it, I will forward it.

It would be good to attend this meeting and speak at the public comment session in order to state your views on what has been done and what is next step.

Local Legislation

Have not heard about another meeting of the State Delegation to consider Local Legislation. If it does not get presented by the end of the month it is dead.

Please write, call, or e-mail the State Representatives and Senators (see attached list) even if you are not registered to vote but are a customer. Tell them you want the local legislation. This is the final stage. If we don’t get the legislation introduced by the cutoff date of the end of this month, the City has no incentive to do anything for the customers outside of the City. For all of those who have thought about doing something, now is the time to do it!

Water and Sewer plant

The last word on this was that a proposal would be presented to the City Council in mid January for their decision on what to do on the February 2007 report prepared for the City. No UAC meeting has been held recently on the issue. The report was done nearly two years ago and is flawed in such a way to bias cost and risk factors against the 4th alternative of merging the City water and sewer systems into the County’s system. Depending on the City Council’s decision, the cost of hardening the plant or moving it would add about $15-30 to each bill as well as increase your liability for the Revenue Bonds issued to finance the project.

Will keep you informed

Steve Faherty

Florida State Legislators representing Indian River County:

Florida State Legislators representing Indian River County:

Senator Ken Pruitt
1850 SW Fountainview Blvd.
Suite 200
Port St. Lucie, FL 34986-3443

Senator Mike Haridopolos
1360 Sarno Road
Suite D
Melbourne, FL 32935

Representative Debbie Mayfield
1053 20th Place
Vero Beach, FL 32960

Representative Ralph Poppell
Suite 1C
400 South Street
Titusville, Fl 32-780-7610
City Council

Mayor Sabe Abel
1053 20th Place
Vero Beach, FL 32960-1389

If you send a letter to the City Clerk which is addressed to the Mayor, it will go to all City Council Members.

Indian River Shores
Mayor Thomas W. Cadden
6001 N. A1A
Indian River Shores, FL 32963

If you send a letter to the Town Manager which is addressed to the Mayor, it will go to all Town Council Members.

Indian River County Board of Commissioners:

Indian River County Board of Commissioners:

Commissioner Bob Solari

Commissioner Wesley S. Davis, Chair

Commissioner Gary C. Wheeler

Commissioner Joseph E. Flescher, Vice-Chair

Commissioner Peter D. O’Bryan

Indian River County Board of Commissioners
Indian River County
1801 27th Street
Vero Beach, Fl 32960