Saturday, May 30, 2009

Welcome to the NEW President

The board would like to welcome our new President Mr. John Kone for 2009.

Things to consider - Serving on the board

The role of the board members varies by organizations, but Taft-Pearman claims, "it is a real responsibility and commitment, something that should be taken seriously. You have fiduciary and legal responsibility."

Board members for nonprofit organizations have a number of roles. Although it is a non-paying job it must be taken seriously. Time commitments also vary, ranging from about two hours per month to two hours per week. Before joining a board, it is important to understand how often the board meets and how much time you will be required to spend on projects outside of board meetings.

When joining a board for the first time you should consider to participating wholeheartedly. Also, think about your resources and what you can contribute. Sitting on the board is something easy and simple, but it requires due diligence and perseverance, as well as integrity.

Note, "Signaling that you are a team player is critical and with that comes some humility. Listen and pay attention. Also, be creative. You should be able to "work on a very tangible project early on. Show that you can add value to the organization." Most importantly, "while you may want to swoop in and fix things, problems and solutions are not always as simple as they seem. Some of the problems have been entrenched in a nonprofit organization for a long time and you need to be realistic about what you can change.

Board leadership can sometimes go wrong. Taft-Pearman points out that "things can go wrong when there are mismatched expectations about the time commitment and who has ownership over which tasks. Also, when the board is not as involved as it should be, problems can arise in the organization after it is too late."

O'Connor also says, "Board meetings get tense when board member want to get too involved and micro-manage situations." O'Connor reminds us that while board members have a fiduciary responsibility to the organization, they are to be overseers and not micro-managers of the minutia of day to day operations. Finally, Griffith adds, "it is better to under-promise and over-deliver than over-promise and under-deliver. People in the nonprofit community talk, so be cautious about what you promise."

This goes under the heading of "Things to be considered".

The next Board Meeting

A resent inquiry asked about the next meeting so here you go..........

Meeting 3 - Board of Directors Meeting

July 11 at the Rockridge Clubhouse starting at 10:00 am


a. Minutes of the last meeting read - Scully
b. Finance overview 2009 - Kay
c. Old Business - Change in the board,landscaping progress, compensation for water use
d. New business - Open for discussion, property maintenance -
e. Next meeting schedule - Saturday October 3, 2009 Planned - Change the date to? The board has decided to change the next meeting date to __________. The intent is to get more homeowner participation. Consider evenings at __________ during the week on a ______________.
f. The President announces that all business on the agenda has been completed and the meeting of the Board of Directors is adjourned.

On the Trap

Havahart 1045 Two Door Cage Trap for Raccoons, 36 x 10 x 12

Homeowners here is the trap we purchased. I will be happy to bait and tend it. Please e-mail me with your request . No phone calls. A slight glitch may prevent us from providingthis service. More later!


We have had a problem! Racoons, rats, and possum. Please dont feed the wild animals. Its not in our best interest!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Know Your Days - Watering restrictions - Overview

Note: The data contained here in was taken from the St Johns River Water Management District website ( and is part of the rules. For the complete list see their website.
Mandatory lawn watering restrictions specify the days when you may water. These days depend on whether you have an odd or even numbered address, and the time of year.
· Water only when needed and not between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
· Water for no more than one hour per zone.
· Restrictions apply to private wells and pumps, ground or surface water and water from public and private utilities.
· Some exceptions apply.
· An odd numbered address is one that ends in 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9.
· An even numbered address is one that ends in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8.
. During daylight savings time 2 times per week( March to November).
Odd numbered address is Wednesday and Saturday. Even numbers is Thursday and Sunday.
. During Eastern Standard time( Nov. to Mar.) its no more than 1 time a week. Odd numbers Saturday. Even numbers Sunday

New plantings - Watering restrictions

St. Johns River Water Management District
4049 Reid Street • P.O. Box 1429 • Palatka, FL 32178-1429
Phone: (386) 329-4500 (Palatka headquarters) • On the Internet:

Most of us have seen our new landscaping. Our timing for the installation was excellent in light of the rains we have been getting during the past week. The plants are mostly drought resistant but they are new. The following is from the St. Johns River website regarding "Watering Restrictions" on new plantings.

· Irrigation of new landscape is allowed at any time of day on any day for the initial 30 days and every other day for the next 30 days for a total of one 60-day period, provided that the irrigation is limited to the minimum amount necessary for establishment.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Draft Agenda / Procedure for Board Meetings

1.The newly elected directors will convene a meeting of the Board of Directors in April, July, and October.

2.The first item on the agenda at the first board meeting in April will be the election of officers - President,Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Alternate.

3.Be it known that all members of the Board are on the Architectural Review Board.

4.It is not required that members be allowed to speak at a board of directors meeting. At this meeting members will be allowed to speak but they must focus on the agenda item under discussion. The chair will decide rotation.

5.The newly elected President will present the following general agenda.
a. Election of officers ( April Agenda Only)
b. Old business – Minutes of the last meeting read.
c. Finance overview
d. New business
e. Next meeting schedule
f. The President announces that all business on the agenda has been completed and the meeting of the Board of Directors is adjourned.


a. Members who wish to submit an agenda item for the next Board of Directors meeting must do so in writing with a date and signature, at least a week prior to the meeting.

b. The board appreciated and thanks all members who attended today’s meeting and encourages other residents and homeowners to attend the next meeting.

c. The meeting schedule will be posted at the mailbox on the display board for the homeowners. A notice will also be sent by email.

d. For those unable to attend the meeting, minutes are posted on

e. Other relevant and important documents are posted at

f. 2009 Officers: President - John Kohn, Vice President Dick Byram, Treasurer Jean Kay, Secretary Bob Scully and Pat Estelle Alternate.

Draft Agenda for Annual Meeting

1. President calls meeting to order. This is the annual meeting for ______ of the members of the Catalina Oaks Homeowners’ Association.

2. Roll call of directors and confirmation of a quorum. President John Kohn, Vice President Dick Byram, Treasurer Jean Kay, Bob Scully Secretary and Alternate Pat Estelle.

3. Count names on attendance list and proxies to establish quorum. Thirty percent (30%) of the members are a quorum. Thirty percent of 52 members are 16. Note that there is a quorum or lack of.

4. President asks the Secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting. Any corrections? If not, minutes stand as read.

5. Treasurer’s report for the year ______. Motion to accept as read.

The Treasurer reports that the IRS has been satisfied before the deadline of April 15, ______.

The President announces that the Annual Report has been submitted to the Secretary of State of the State of Florida.

6. The President announces that there are no outstanding issues between Catalina Oaks Homeowners’ Association and the County.

7. Distribute new budget for ________. Review of financial statement and proposed budget for ________. Motion to accept the budget. Discussion and vote on the budget.

8. Nominating Committee introduces the nominees:

The term of office for all nominees is for the calendar year of ______ and until the annual meeting scheduled for January ________ as dictated by the governing documents.

9.President asks if any nominations from floor. If any, nominee should stand, be asked if willing to serve if elected. President will ask for two volunteers to count ballots. Members will vote for or against a nominee. A nominee must acquire a simple majority of the votes cast.

10. Ballot count if one was taken. Announce the names of those elected to the board.

11. President will adjourn the meeting.


This is a draft. Adjustments will be made as the board directs.