Thursday, December 15, 2011

New 2011 Blogspot

The new site is posted. Just click on the link....

Friday, November 4, 2011

Catalina Oaks Monthly Balance Sheet (As of June 2011)

“Know the Flow” Stormwater Management System Workshop

We are requesting your assistance in notifying the public through your “Neighborhood Watch” emailings and/or meetings regarding the following educational event.

Indian River County in partnership with the cities of Sebastian and Vero Beach will host a free “Know the Flow” Stormwater Management System Workshop for homeowner and property owner association board members and residents, property management companies, community association staff, engineers, and residents on Thursday, December 8 from 8 am – 1 pm at the Indian River County Fairgrounds, 7955 58th Avenue, Vero Beach. Workshop presentations will be conducted from 9 am – 12 noon (see schedule of presentation topics at bottom of release) and displays featuring “Property Owner Pollution Prevention Practices” will be open from 8 – 9 a.m. and 12 – 1 pm. On-line re-registration is required by December 2 at .

This workshop is designed to help association leaders, professional association managers, and others understand how stormwater management systems work, methods to enhance stormwater ponds, and how to prevent pollution from entering local waterways and harming the Indian River Lagoon. Participants will learn ways to reduce maintenance costs, reduce flooding potential, and improve the quality of stormwater runoff.

This event is aligned with the Clean Water Goal of local governments to reduce the amount of visible and invisible (chemical and bacterial) pollutants washed off land and carried by rainwater runoff into residential ponds, roadside canals, and the Indian River Lagoon.  Citizens can help achieve this goal by voluntarily making simple behavioral changes that reduce the amount of, and improve the quality of water that runs off their properties.

Attached are the event press release and flyer to enable you to promote this to your community. We would appreciate you efforts in announcing this event at other city meetings in November as you deem appropriate. Please have your staff print out and display the event flyer in your city facilities, especially highly trafficked locations. Please consider publicizing the event on your website as well.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.


             Prevent Pollution in the Path of Any Water,

Diane Wilson
Storm Water Education Coordinator
Indian River County Public Works Department
1801 27th Street - Administration Building A
Vero Beach, FL 32960-3388
Email:   Office Phone 772-226-1565   Fax 772-778-9391
Twitter:  IRCGOV

*National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

landscaping renovation update

  To:   COHOA Board

As of June 7, 2011 the plan for the landscaping renovation is still not 
completed.  I have been in contact with Todd Cox numerous times during 
this process, the last time approximately three weeks ago, but I am 
still waiting to see the completion of the project.  He has been 
plagued with many problems since the onset,(the first week of March was 
the first date he said it would begin) but unfortunately, he does not 
contact anyone when there is a delay. We are still to have two (2) 
Eugenia bushes placed to frame the 6th Ave. sign, as was done by the 
5th Court sign. ( I told him those were very poor specimens, but again, 
he had another excuse.) All the Eugenia bushes had been forgotten until 
I made a phone call but he said he would get more.

I can not vouch for the maintenance of the beds since they are cleared 
while he was doing  the initial plans.   I hope that it will work out 
to our satisfaction but I would like to know it anyone  has had contact 
with Todd.

  Jean Kay notified me when she received the bill and I okayed the 
amount  he charged for the bushes he had planted at that time.  Since 
then, I do not know if he charged us for the 2 Eugenia bushes.  I would 
like to have the dead bush  removed at the corner of 5th Court and 10th 
Place.  This bush did not survive the winter and needs to be replaced.

I would like to have the Board's advise on continuing with the service 
and/or how to have  it done without frequent  follow-up phone calls.  
The committee members have been well aware of the delays and have been 
kept up to date on the progress.

Respectfully submitted,

Irene Nassor

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Board Meeting Topics

Just a reminder. There is a Board Meeting Scheduled for 6/11/2011 at the Rockridge Meeting Hall at 10:00am Items to be discussed include, but not limited to, Landscape Project, Graffiti, Mailboxes, Parking on the lawns, Storm Drains