Monday, January 25, 2010
2009 Financials Summary
The raw data was provided by Jean,interpreted and put on an excel spread sheet. The spread sheet was copied to powerpoint and saved as a jpeg file, and then downloaded here...thus its slighly tilted, but the data is all there.
Minutes January 2010
Dear Homeowners,
The annual meeting of Catalina Oaks Home Owners’ Association was held at the Rockridge Community Center. It was a rainy cold day and most residents stayed home. Our President called the meeting to order Saturday January 9, 2010 at 3:00 PM.
The Agenda is shown and a few notes are posted within the agenda. Additional detail is presented in section 2 herein.
1. This is the annual meeting for 2010 of the members of the Catalina Oaks Homeowners’ Association. The COHA President, John Kone, called the meeting to order.
2. Roll call of directors and confirmation of a quorum. President John Kohn, Vice President Dick Byram, Treasurer Jean Kay, Bob Scully Secretary and Alternate Pat Estelle. All present.
3. Count names on attendance list and proxies to establish quorum. Thirty percent (30%) of the members are a quorum. Thirty percent of 52 members are 16. Note that there is a quorum or lack of. There was a lack of a quorum.
4. President asks the Secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting. Any corrections? If not, minutes stand as read. Minutes were read and stand as read.
5. Treasurer’s report for the year 2009. Jean distributed a hand written summary. Details are noted in section 2. Motion to accept as read. Accepted. The Treasurer reports that the IRS has been satisfied before the deadline of April 15, 2009. No discussion. The President announces that the Annual Report has been submitted to the Secretary of State of the State of Florida. No discussion.
6. The President announces that there are no outstanding issues between Catalina Oaks Homeowners’ Association and the County. No discussion.
7. Distribute new budget for 2010. Jean handed out a proposed budget. Review of financial statement and proposed budget for 2010. A financial accounting by month was not available at the meeting. Motion to accept the budget. Accepted Discussion and vote on the budget. No discussion
8. Nominating Committee introduces the nominees: The term of office for all nominees is for the calendar year of 2010 and until the annual meeting scheduled for January 2011 as dictated by the governing documents. No action
9. President asks if any nominations from floor. If any, nominee should stand, be asked if willing to serve if elected. President will ask for two volunteers to count ballots. Members will vote for or against a nominee. A nominee must acquire a simple majority of the votes cast. No new nominees
10. Ballot count if one was taken. Announce the names of those elected to the board. The existing board stands.
11. President will adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned.
Section 2 - Additional Detail
1. Minutes - Meeting minutes for today’s meetings are included herein and will be posted on the blogspot.
2. Finances - Jean Kay provided a summary of the Catalina Oaks finances. Total assets as of January 8, 2010 are $110, 839.09 (CDs and checking account). The CDs mature in May 28, 2010 and July 6, 2010.
A handful of homeowners are behind on association dues. The total amount is $685. Jean is working the action to collect with the individuals in arrears. There was discussion about putting liens on property for non-payment of dues. Jean has been successful in collecting dues without going to that extreme. The board understands that the lean process is an alternative and it will go down that road when it becomes necessary.
The expenditures by month data were not available at the meeting. Jean will provide a handwritten data sheet next week. I will include it on an excel spreadsheet and include it in the blog for the homeowners to view.
A comment was made that financial information should not be posted on the blog for the world to see. The board is evaluating the comment and will decide how to proceed accordingly.
3. Grounds Maintenance - Our grounds maintenance needed improvement and a decision was made last year to give the maintenance to John Smith, on a trial basis. His work has been great. The board issued a Christmas bonus of $100 to both John and Larry.
After considerable discussion the board to increase the grounds maintenance fee by $50, which coincides with a scope of work adjustment to include grounds maintenance at the entrance hedge, near the mailbox. This will commence in January 2010.
5. Email Addresses – The board needs more email addresses of homeowners so we can get the word out as required.
6. Landscape Change – It was requested that the area where we have wood borders be changed to brick. The board approved the action and Dick will make the change.
7. Wall paint – It seems that there is 2 different shades of paint at the corner wall (10th and 6th). Dick suggested we buy another 5 gallons of the right color so as to match the rest of the wall. He was going to get with Robert to repaint the specific area at NO charge, as we would provide the paint. The board approved.
8. Drainage concern – Dick outlined a concern about the drainage cistern at the southeast corner of the development property. He will evaluate the potential leak further and take the necessary action to correct it.
9. Meetings - The board recommends that the homeowners attend these meetings, as it is your community. There are 2 meetings to be held January and July. Special board meetings will be scheduled as required to cover issues that may need attention, when necessary. If you have any thoughts about meeting times or dates, please let us know.
10. Homeowners List 2010 - This data was distributed at the meeting. It will be posted to the blog.
11. Letter to the Board - A letter, from Pat Estelle, was read at the meeting and subsequently submitted, and posted on the blog.
Respectfully submitted for review on 1/16/2010
Posted to the blog 1/25/2010
R.G. Scully Catalina Oaks Homeowners Board of Directors Secretary
You may contact us as listed - (John Kone - President) (Dick Byram - Vice President) (Jean Kay - Treasurer) (Robert Scully - Secretary)
(Pat Estelle - Alternate)
The annual meeting of Catalina Oaks Home Owners’ Association was held at the Rockridge Community Center. It was a rainy cold day and most residents stayed home. Our President called the meeting to order Saturday January 9, 2010 at 3:00 PM.
The Agenda is shown and a few notes are posted within the agenda. Additional detail is presented in section 2 herein.
1. This is the annual meeting for 2010 of the members of the Catalina Oaks Homeowners’ Association. The COHA President, John Kone, called the meeting to order.
2. Roll call of directors and confirmation of a quorum. President John Kohn, Vice President Dick Byram, Treasurer Jean Kay, Bob Scully Secretary and Alternate Pat Estelle. All present.
3. Count names on attendance list and proxies to establish quorum. Thirty percent (30%) of the members are a quorum. Thirty percent of 52 members are 16. Note that there is a quorum or lack of. There was a lack of a quorum.
4. President asks the Secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting. Any corrections? If not, minutes stand as read. Minutes were read and stand as read.
5. Treasurer’s report for the year 2009. Jean distributed a hand written summary. Details are noted in section 2. Motion to accept as read. Accepted. The Treasurer reports that the IRS has been satisfied before the deadline of April 15, 2009. No discussion. The President announces that the Annual Report has been submitted to the Secretary of State of the State of Florida. No discussion.
6. The President announces that there are no outstanding issues between Catalina Oaks Homeowners’ Association and the County. No discussion.
7. Distribute new budget for 2010. Jean handed out a proposed budget. Review of financial statement and proposed budget for 2010. A financial accounting by month was not available at the meeting. Motion to accept the budget. Accepted Discussion and vote on the budget. No discussion
8. Nominating Committee introduces the nominees: The term of office for all nominees is for the calendar year of 2010 and until the annual meeting scheduled for January 2011 as dictated by the governing documents. No action
9. President asks if any nominations from floor. If any, nominee should stand, be asked if willing to serve if elected. President will ask for two volunteers to count ballots. Members will vote for or against a nominee. A nominee must acquire a simple majority of the votes cast. No new nominees
10. Ballot count if one was taken. Announce the names of those elected to the board. The existing board stands.
11. President will adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned.
Section 2 - Additional Detail
1. Minutes - Meeting minutes for today’s meetings are included herein and will be posted on the blogspot.
2. Finances - Jean Kay provided a summary of the Catalina Oaks finances. Total assets as of January 8, 2010 are $110, 839.09 (CDs and checking account). The CDs mature in May 28, 2010 and July 6, 2010.
A handful of homeowners are behind on association dues. The total amount is $685. Jean is working the action to collect with the individuals in arrears. There was discussion about putting liens on property for non-payment of dues. Jean has been successful in collecting dues without going to that extreme. The board understands that the lean process is an alternative and it will go down that road when it becomes necessary.
The expenditures by month data were not available at the meeting. Jean will provide a handwritten data sheet next week. I will include it on an excel spreadsheet and include it in the blog for the homeowners to view.
A comment was made that financial information should not be posted on the blog for the world to see. The board is evaluating the comment and will decide how to proceed accordingly.
3. Grounds Maintenance - Our grounds maintenance needed improvement and a decision was made last year to give the maintenance to John Smith, on a trial basis. His work has been great. The board issued a Christmas bonus of $100 to both John and Larry.
After considerable discussion the board to increase the grounds maintenance fee by $50, which coincides with a scope of work adjustment to include grounds maintenance at the entrance hedge, near the mailbox. This will commence in January 2010.
5. Email Addresses – The board needs more email addresses of homeowners so we can get the word out as required.
6. Landscape Change – It was requested that the area where we have wood borders be changed to brick. The board approved the action and Dick will make the change.
7. Wall paint – It seems that there is 2 different shades of paint at the corner wall (10th and 6th). Dick suggested we buy another 5 gallons of the right color so as to match the rest of the wall. He was going to get with Robert to repaint the specific area at NO charge, as we would provide the paint. The board approved.
8. Drainage concern – Dick outlined a concern about the drainage cistern at the southeast corner of the development property. He will evaluate the potential leak further and take the necessary action to correct it.
9. Meetings - The board recommends that the homeowners attend these meetings, as it is your community. There are 2 meetings to be held January and July. Special board meetings will be scheduled as required to cover issues that may need attention, when necessary. If you have any thoughts about meeting times or dates, please let us know.
10. Homeowners List 2010 - This data was distributed at the meeting. It will be posted to the blog.
11. Letter to the Board - A letter, from Pat Estelle, was read at the meeting and subsequently submitted, and posted on the blog.
Respectfully submitted for review on 1/16/2010
Posted to the blog 1/25/2010
R.G. Scully Catalina Oaks Homeowners Board of Directors Secretary
You may contact us as listed - (John Kone - President) (Dick Byram - Vice President) (Jean Kay - Treasurer) (Robert Scully - Secretary)
(Pat Estelle - Alternate)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
To the HOA Board and Residents of Catalina Oaks
To the HOA Board and Residents of Catalina Oaks,
Over five years ago, in a vulgar tirade, Gerald Duhaime falsely accused me of
reporting him to the HOA for a covenant violation. Since that day he has
relentlessly harassed, threatened and slandered me, all without any justification
whatsoever, except that created in his mind and spread to anyone who would
listen. He has violated the sanctity of my home, vandalized my property, and even
placed a Swastika in his front yard, telling the Sheriff that I was the perpetrator.
While there have been literally dozens of other examples of his pernicious
behavior, that alone should irrefutably demonstrate the character of this man.
It was obvious from the start that Duhaime’s goal was to make my life miserable, to
destroy my reputation and to drive me from my home. His behavior is akin to that
of a juvenile delinquent who has no sense of decency and no way to express himself
beyond the liberal use of four-letter words and the middle finger. Many of you have
experienced this first-hand. As for my reputation, it is solidly in tact among those
whose opinions I respect. A few still believe his pathological lies, but anyone with a
shred of integrity acknowledges the truth. He will never drive me from my home.
The Sheriff has made it abundantly clear that he is eager to step in and take action
should that become necessary and I have retained an attorney with the intent of
taking legal action in civil court. He has stated I have a strong case.
I present this letter to the board simply to expose what has festered in the shadows
for too long and to highlight Duhaime’s chronic violation of the HOA covenants
and County codes. When cited, he always blames me as the source of his problems,
never taking any responsibility for his actions. It is always someone else’s fault. All
of us in the community have been held to the standards set down in the covenants;
this man never is. I hope we will soon see a return to civilized behavior in Catalina
Oaks which has been absent for too long. Whether we do or not is the burden of
one man.
Patricia Estelle.
Over five years ago, in a vulgar tirade, Gerald Duhaime falsely accused me of
reporting him to the HOA for a covenant violation. Since that day he has
relentlessly harassed, threatened and slandered me, all without any justification
whatsoever, except that created in his mind and spread to anyone who would
listen. He has violated the sanctity of my home, vandalized my property, and even
placed a Swastika in his front yard, telling the Sheriff that I was the perpetrator.
While there have been literally dozens of other examples of his pernicious
behavior, that alone should irrefutably demonstrate the character of this man.
It was obvious from the start that Duhaime’s goal was to make my life miserable, to
destroy my reputation and to drive me from my home. His behavior is akin to that
of a juvenile delinquent who has no sense of decency and no way to express himself
beyond the liberal use of four-letter words and the middle finger. Many of you have
experienced this first-hand. As for my reputation, it is solidly in tact among those
whose opinions I respect. A few still believe his pathological lies, but anyone with a
shred of integrity acknowledges the truth. He will never drive me from my home.
The Sheriff has made it abundantly clear that he is eager to step in and take action
should that become necessary and I have retained an attorney with the intent of
taking legal action in civil court. He has stated I have a strong case.
I present this letter to the board simply to expose what has festered in the shadows
for too long and to highlight Duhaime’s chronic violation of the HOA covenants
and County codes. When cited, he always blames me as the source of his problems,
never taking any responsibility for his actions. It is always someone else’s fault. All
of us in the community have been held to the standards set down in the covenants;
this man never is. I hope we will soon see a return to civilized behavior in Catalina
Oaks which has been absent for too long. Whether we do or not is the burden of
one man.
Patricia Estelle.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Happy New Year and a Meeting Reminder
Happy New Year from the board to all of you.
Its that time of year again and we thought we would remind you about the meeting (Annual Catalina Oaks Homeowners) next weekend at the Rockridge Communtiy Center at 3:00 Saturday January 9. If you can't make the meeting please send in or hand to any member of the board the proxies that were hand delivered in December 09. Thank You
As is customary the minutes will be posted on this site a week after the meeting.
The next meeting will be held in July. A specific time and date will be decided on during the January meeting. The board will call Special Meetings during the year as required to deal with issues that require attention, as they come up.
We wish you all well. Stay healthy, be safe and remember you are part of the community so be involved. Our job is to help you as best we can and your job is to help us help you. And we are always looking for board members.
Its that time of year again and we thought we would remind you about the meeting (Annual Catalina Oaks Homeowners) next weekend at the Rockridge Communtiy Center at 3:00 Saturday January 9. If you can't make the meeting please send in or hand to any member of the board the proxies that were hand delivered in December 09. Thank You
As is customary the minutes will be posted on this site a week after the meeting.
The next meeting will be held in July. A specific time and date will be decided on during the January meeting. The board will call Special Meetings during the year as required to deal with issues that require attention, as they come up.
We wish you all well. Stay healthy, be safe and remember you are part of the community so be involved. Our job is to help you as best we can and your job is to help us help you. And we are always looking for board members.
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